Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Birliği Derneği

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EFORT Visiting Fellowship

Sayın meslektaşlarım,
EFORT üyelerinin katılabileceği “EFORT Visiting Fellowship” programı için ev sahipliği konusunda istekli olan eğitim ve üniversite hastanelerinin aşağıdaki yazı çerçevesinde 28.08.2009 tarihine kadar TOTBİD Genel Merkezine iletmelerini rica ederiz.
Prof. Dr. Ünal Kuzgun
TOTBİD Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı
EFORT Visiting Fellowships
You are surely aware of the effort our organisation is undertaking concerning the Visiting
Fellowship programme. The visiting fellowships offer the opportunity to young orthopaedic surgeons to choose a clinic, department or institution of their own choice where they spend a two to four weeks training abroad.
Unfortunately this programme is not widely accepted and used by the National Societies.
One of the reasons could be that the young colleagues have not enough information about the main activities, special fields of the orthopaedic centres and university departments.
To make the programme more attractive and to facilitate the growth of the quality of exchange of long period stages in foreign countries EFORT would kindly ask you once more to give us information about:
- Which orthopaedic department in your country is willing to host visiting fellows?
- Which are the basic activities in these departments?
- Is there a possibility for affordable accommodation for the fellows?
- Do you already have so called training centres in your country? If yes, which are
these and are they willing to host also EFORT visiting fellows?
EFORT would like to create a list of European training centres which we would also publish on the portal to help young surgeons looking for a possibility to expand and exchange their knowledge.
Please send your list of information to the EFORT Central Office, Ms. Nina Nürnberger, or me directly also by 31 August 2009.
I personally would like to take the opportunity to thank all of you for your kind cooperation and support. It is only with your help that these programmes will run successfully.
With my best regards,
Prof. Maurilio Maracci
EFORT Member at Large
Tel.: +39 051 636 6505
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