Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Birliği Derneği

Video Portal

EFORT Webinar


Monday 08 June 2020 | 19:00-20:00 CET


This webinar will address the following topics:

  • Introduction
    By José Cordero Ampuero | Spain | 5 min 
  • Patient Expectations and ‘Non-Hip’ Origin of the Pain
    By Theofilos Karachalios | Greece | 10 min 
  • Occult Loosening, Implant Elasticity and Micro-Instability
    By Philippe Hernigou | France | 10 min 
  • The ‘Painful’ Material: Wear, ARMD, Allergy
    By Alister Hart | United Kingdom | 10 min 
  • When it Comes From Anatomy: 
    LLD, Impingement, Offset, Abductors, Great Troc 
    By José Cordero Ampuero | Spain | 10 min 
  • Discussion, Questions & Answers
    All participants and faculty| 15 min


Learning objectives

A patient operated on his/her hip complains of pain and/or is unsatisfied. You have discarded infection. What more?

  • Objectivize clinical situation: pain intensity, functional limitations, level of activity. 
  • Other areas are cause of local pain: lumbar spine, abdominal hernias, genitourinary pathology. 
  • Suspect: loosening without radiolucent lines or migration, too thick / rigid stems, subluxation in extreme positions. 
  • Discard: poly wear, pseudotumors, particle disease, trunnionosis, ceramic fracture, ALVAL, allergies to metals. 
  • Reconsider: lower limb discrepancy, inadequate offset, insufficient abductors, tightened adductors, localized trochanteritis and impingement in flex-internal rotation. 
  • This Webinar is organized by the EFORT Orthopaedic Education Group, independent of any commercial education support.

Webinar information & online registration: http://efortnet.conference2web.com/webinars

More information: https://www.efort.org/elearning/

Do not miss this opportunity & register online free-of-charge now!

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