Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Birliği Derneği

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Free-of-Charge EFORT Webinar
Monday 06 July 2020 | 19:00 CET

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Monday 06 July 2020 | 19:00-20:00 CET 


This webinar will address the following topics:

  • Introduction
    By Enrique Gómez Barrena | Spain | 4 min 
  • Location of Knee Pain: Intra/Extraarticular or Referred Pain, Extensor Mechanism
    By Roland Becker | Germany | 9 min 
  • Component Related Issues: Position, Rotation, Sizing
    By Nanne Kort | The Netherlands | 9 min 
  • Soft Tissue Related Issues: Instability, Arthrofibrosis, Impingement & Insertions
    By Michael Hirschmann | Switzerland | 9 min 
  • Material Related Issues: 
    Material Failure, Loosening and Osteolysis, Metallosis, Allergy
    By Enrique Gómez Barrena | Spain | 9 min  
  • Discussion, Questions & Answers
    All participants & faculty | 20 min

Learning objectives

Patients with knee arthroplasty may complain of pain and/or may be unhappy. There are no infection signs or suspicion. What needs to be considered? How to manage these knees?

  • Clarify the clinical situation: diagnosis of the painful knee arthroplasty, general management of some problems.
  • Consider the location: intra or extraarticular source of pain, local or referred pain, extensor mechanism or other regions may also cause knee pain.
  • Component positioning, over- and under sizing, eventual conflicts such as malposition, malrotation or impingement should be investigated.
  • Soft tissues may be the origin of pain, management may vary with diagnosis: instability, stiffness, tendinosis, iliotibial tract.
  • Material and fixation problems are frequent pain causes: consider loosening, debonding, osteolysis, metal allergy, metallosis, material failure.

This Webinar is organized by the EFORT Orthopaedic Education Group, independent of any commercial education support.

Webinar information & online registration: http://efortnet.conference2web.com/webinars

More information: https://www.efort.org/elearning/

Do not miss this opportunity & register online free-of-charge now!

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