Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Birliği Derneği

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Sayın Meslektaşlarım,
Amerika Birleşik Devletlerinde çalışan Doç. Dr. Kağan Özer’in Pensilvanya Geisinger Sağlık Merkezinde verilecek olan “Orthopaedic Research Fellowship” konusunda bir burs önerisi bulunmaktadır. Bu bursa başvurmak isteyen meslektaşlarımızın aşağıdaki e-posta adresine en kısa sürede İngilizce olarak hazırlanmış özgeçmişlerini göndermelerini bilgilerinize sunarım.
Prof. Dr. Ünal Kuzgun
TOTBİD Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı
Orthopaedic Research Fellowship
We are seeking candidates to work as a research fellow at a level 1 trauma center in Danville, Pennsylvania, USA. Applicants must have a good to excellent level of English, to be interested in Orthopaedic research, able to commit for a minimum of 1 year (preferably 2) and to be in their training or completed their Orthopaedic residency program. Salary is at PGY1 level with benefits.
Geisinger Health System has the state-of the-art electronic medical record system in place for decades giving a great oppurtunity for outcomes research specializing in Orthopaedic Trauma, complex fractures and limb restoration. Applicants will have ample opportunity to conduct clinical research. For further information about the program please log on to: www.geisinger.edu  
Interested parties please e-mail your CV along with a statement of purpose to: kagan.ozer@dhha.org
(All correspondance should take place in English)
Kagan Ozer, MD
Kagan Ozer, MD
Denver Health Medical Center
Associate Professor of Orthopedics
University of Colorado, School of Medicine
777 Bannock Str., MC188
Denver, CO, 80220
Appointments: (303) 436 4949
Office: (303) 436 6502
Fax: (303) 436 6572
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