Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Birliği Derneği

Video Portal


May 22, 2014

Feza Korkusuz MD
Sait Ada, MD
Aksel Seyahi, MD

Dear Feza, Aksel, and Sait,

On behalf of the steering committee of the International Combined Orthopaedic Research Societies (ICORS), I would like to welcome the Turkish Orthopaedic Research Council as a Candidate Member of the International Combined Orthopaedic Research Societies.

After careful review of your application, the ICORS committee felt that your organization is to be congratulated on the significant progress that you have in establishing TORC, however, have not yet met as an organization and are in the early stages of development. Therefore, TORC was approved for Candidate member status. We look forward to updates on your progress during our quarterly meetings, and in Las Vegas at the ORS Annual Meeting.

As defined in our charter, the primary mission of the ICORS is to promote orthopaedic and musculoskeletal research, including the fields of engineering, biology, and clinical research; enhancing international collaboration and the development of new orthopaedic research organizations globally. We look forward to future collaborations with TORC and to your participation in the ICORS.

We value your participation in ICORS, and look forward to enhancing international collaborations among all of our member societies/organizations.

Best regards,

Ted Miclau, MD
Chair, ICORS


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